Seasons Educational Unit: A World of Weather Wonders
Sure how to teach your kids about the seasons? Check out this engaging educational unit for preschool through 2nd grade, available on Etsy now!
Sure how to teach your kids about the seasons? Check out this engaging educational unit for preschool through 2nd grade, available on Etsy now!
Overlook the importance of the quality of the literature they are engaging with. Discover the magic of living books and how they can transform the way children learn and grow
Balance that works for you. In this article, we share valuable tips for teaching amidst tantrums while homeschooling with toddlers
You covered with a treasure trove of C words for kids to expand their vocabulary in a fun and engaging way
Poetry can enchant kids with words & wisdom. Discover the benefits of poetry for children & how it can improve their reading & learning skills
Preschool. Discover the fun and educational benefits of two-syllable words for early literacy development in this comprehensive article
Discover art-infused learning and observation in this inspiring homeschooling mom blog. Join Katherine Prince on her journey of motherhood, homeschooling, and art at ❤️
Follow, these living books are a valuable resource for any homeschooling parent. Discover the best Charlotte Mason homeschool books in this comprehensive guide
Explore the world around you! Discover 200+ homeschool field trip ideas to turn the world into a classroom. Get your kids out of the house and into hands-on learning experiences
You won’t want to miss. Discover the power of penmanship and the numerous copywork benefits for your child’s education in this insightful post